Saturday, March 12, 2011


If the weather next week is anything like this week, then there are going to be a lot of parents tearing their hair out with kids stuck in the house during March break.

In an effort to help, I will be having a Sale on toys and games next week,

All kid stuff, toys, games and even all-ages comics, will be at least 15% off. Other items will be RED TAG marked at special CLEARANCE prices.

ALSO, I will be doing a special offer on older HEROCLIX. Any 4-piece packs will be priced at $5.00 each and with every 3 packs you buy, you'll get a special rare or variant figure.
All other rare and super-rare figures in the glass counter will be 50% off.

For the older kids and parents, all dollar comics on the shelves will be specially
priced at 50 cents each when you buy 10 or more.

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