Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well DC is really filling up the 5th week this time around.
5 Annuals on the same day, all of them pretty important books. Green Lantern Annual gives us the Black Hand story we've been waiting for since the end of Blackest Night, and Detective Annual pits Batman against Black Mask,(but will he be wearing Jokers Face??).
Justice League Int. Annual may be the end of the title...and the start of something new, as it ties into Justice League #12, also shipping this week.(The variant cover on JLA #12 will be going fast with that cover)
DC also revives a couple classic characters with the mini-series Phantom Lady, and the one-shot National Comics Looker.
On the all-ages side, we get L'il Homer, the adventures of Barts dad when he was a kid.
Anyone with kids heading back to school, may want to ease their young ones grief, with a copy of the latest volume of Amulet.
The Walking Dead pins that were meant to promote the story leading up to issue #100, are finally here. If you don't manage to snag them all at the FanExpo this weekend, pick up the ones you missed, here next Wednesday. (or order a set of 7 for only $3.00 on the on-line store now!)


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