Friday, January 13, 2012


Lets see if this damn thing will post THIS week. I posted last weeks 5 times and it still wouldnt stay up. And it looks like I'll be leaving out any cover shots until I can figure out HOW IN HELL Blogger thinks this is a better system.

Good week, with something missing... it looks like we have the first casualty in the DC NEW 52 delivery schedule, and NO surprise, It's Justice League. Well 4 issues on time was more than most of us bet on, lets hope its not tooo delayed.
We get Batman and Wonder Woman though, so it should still be a busy Wednesday.
Steed and Mrs. Peel seems like an odd way to name your book, but I guess THE AVENGERS might have been a little confusing. I'm positive I've seen this cover art before, but all the preview text makes this sound like a new comic. Stiil its Grant Morrison and Ian Gibson, so it'll sell quick even if you arent a fan of the old t.v. show.
Lord of the Jungle is another odd title, but I guess they had problems with the TARZAN name for some reason. It's only a buck for the first issue, so cheap enough to try it out.

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