Sunday, January 27, 2013


A bat heavy week, but the annuals have been really good so far. The Green Lantern Corps annual is important as it wraps up much of the Third Army storyline.

2 Watchmen issues as they try to catch up on the lateness problem, but the Dollar Bill #1 is only a one-shot so it could fit in anytime.

Injustice Gods Among Us is a DC series based on the new action game from the makers of Mortal Kombat. Basically a violent, bloody JLA story set in an alternate future. Fans of Kingdom Come might like to give it a try.

Marvel reprints the classic Silver Surfer by Moebius mini as a one-shot special.

Invincible hits #100 this week, with a batch of alternate covers. Won't be as big as Walking Dead #100, but should sell fast. If you've never read Invincible, I'll be having a sale on the paperbacks on the front table, with a great discount for anyone willing to buy a bunch at once.


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