Friday, August 17, 2012


The last of the Before Watchmen minis starts as the big blue guy gets his own title. Dr Manhattan looks like another good one.
Buffy spins off another mini-series as Spike gets his own title again. Just what is up with those space bugs anyway?
Wolverine Annual ties up the Clandestine story by Alan Davis.
DC and Marvel have been doing a lot of rebooting and relaunching lately, but nothing they do can top Archie #636. The big two would have restarted the title as Archina #1 if they were running things. Yes this is the issue where the Riverdale gang really gets to see how the other side lives as the kids all swap genders. (At least I hope its just the kids, Mr Weatherbee as a woman would be pretty scary)
BATMAN INCORPORATED #3 is finally available this week. It was delayed due to content they may have seemed insensitive after the events earlier in the month. Now It has become apparent that SOME stores did NOT observe DC's request to hold back this issue(despite the fact they were given total refunds on the book and therefore did not even technically own them).
Well I know my customers are the type who would wait and buy the book legitimately rather than run to another store just to read something a few weeks before everyone else.
As such, I will be rewarding my loyal customers with a special chance at a great prize.
Anyone buying a copy of BATMAN INC. #3 between August 22nd and Sept. 1st will be entered in a draw to win a Court of Owls mask. Theres 2 available , but only one entry per person. Random draw will be held on Saturday Sept 1st. Odds of winning depend on sales, but will be better than 50-1.
Prizes courtesy of the amazingly talented and hugely generous Jeff Lemire.  BUY UNDERWATER WELDER !

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